/** * wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Manage.Router * * A router for handling the browser history and application state. * * @memberOf wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Manage * * @class * @augments Backbone.Router */ var Router = Backbone.Router.extend(/** @lends wp.media.view.MediaFrame.Manage.Router.prototype */{ routes: { 'upload.php?item=:slug&mode=edit': 'editItem', 'upload.php?item=:slug': 'showItem', 'upload.php?search=:query': 'search', 'upload.php': 'reset' }, // Map routes against the page URL baseUrl: function( url ) { return 'upload.php' + url; }, reset: function() { var frame = wp.media.frames.edit; if ( frame ) { frame.close(); } }, // Respond to the search route by filling the search field and trigggering the input event search: function( query ) { jQuery( '#media-search-input' ).val( query ).trigger( 'input' ); }, // Show the modal with a specific item showItem: function( query ) { var media = wp.media, frame = media.frames.browse, library = frame.state().get('library'), item; // Trigger the media frame to open the correct item item = library.findWhere( { id: parseInt( query, 10 ) } ); item.set( 'skipHistory', true ); if ( item ) { frame.trigger( 'edit:attachment', item ); } else { item = media.attachment( query ); frame.listenTo( item, 'change', function( model ) { frame.stopListening( item ); frame.trigger( 'edit:attachment', model ); } ); item.fetch(); } }, // Show the modal in edit mode with a specific item. editItem: function( query ) { this.showItem( query ); wp.media.frames.edit.content.mode( 'edit-details' ); } }); module.exports = Router;